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I was at my old house with

I was at my old house with my ex boyfriend along with his ex girlfriend and a couple of other people. Me and my ex were just joking with each other and he was talking bad about his ex girlfriend but I told him to stop and she started to cry when she seen us talking

One day me my mom and my

One day me my mom and my dog who had passed away were all in my moms old station wagon and her old house when she was growing up and we were outside watching the house burn down.

I was walking down a long dark

I was walking down a long dark road in the middle of nowhere. As I came up to my sister-in-laws little brother, a car drove slowly past us and we hid. We than began to walk down the road and came upon an old house and we went inside. It was a huge party in a tiny little house. I went into the basement and the basement went straight into Hinkle Field House of Butler University during a basketball game. I than began to watch the ball game and then a guy came up and took my dog. I didn't see his face but i chased him back upstairs. He went to the second floor and hid in a room. When I got upstairs i noticed that there were over 50 rooms and I began to check them. After about 30 or so, i opened it and saw my dog, dead. I ran out of the room to find the killer running away. I chased him down and caught him and then I took his knife and was about to stab him and i woke up.

I walk in to a huge old

I walk in to a huge old house during a thunderstorm when a lightning bolt strikes the house. Everything is black. At the end of the hallway there was a light, i yelled and asked if anyone was there but no one answered. I start to walk down the hallway and hear footsteps behind me, so I start to run. The steps get louder and louder and by the time i reached the end of the hallway there was no light, only stairs. I walk up the stairs to a little room with ghost in it. i quickly closed the door and turned around. When i turned there was a man in front of me, he smiled creepily. All the sudden the the floor disappeared and the house ate me.

I dreamed that I was standing in

I dreamed that I was standing in the kitchen with my family and my Aunt walking around, making dinner I think. My dad walked in with the coffin of his older sister, my aunt, and laid it on the blue stool next to the kitchen table. He also brought in the coffins of his mother and father, my grandmother and grandfather. I look in the coffin of my aunt, and saw that her skull and most of her bones were bleach white, except for her pelvic area. Her body was still decomposing and her thigh muscles were red and still attached. There were black spiders crawling all over her inside the coffin. My dad said we were doing a "coffin change" or something like that, and moved his mother and father's body into the same coffin as my aunt. My grandmother and grandfather's bones were yellowing, obviously older, but still decomposing. My aunt said that it was time to put on the music; my grandmother played the piano, so she got out a CD of her playing and put it in the CD player we have in our kitchen. I stood in horrified silence staring at the bodies while everyone else made dinner. My Aunt sat in a green chair we got rid of long ago, from our old house.

I'm riding in a car to see

I'm riding in a car to see my grand,mother's old house when I reach the top of the hill I am faced with cliffs and a house and the hill is to steep to drive so I slid down the hill on my butt

My husband and I bought an old

My husband and I bought an old house at a marina and we were cleaning it out to start remodeling. That night I let my dogs out in our backyard and one of them wouldn't come back. She was just beyond the edge of the yard and kept barking so I went to get her and saw a lot of large dead birds on the ground. Then a rabid black wolf comes out of the darkness so I climbed up the slide on an old swing set. The wolf circled around us before grabbing a bird and leaving. When I ran the wolf chased us to an old mans house. I went in and got his shotgun to kill the wolf but woke up as I opened the back door to go outside and kill it.